Data Analysis
November 29, 2023
min read

Top 4 Data Quality Strategies to Maximize Business Success

November 29, 2023

Data is the new gold in our digital age, and its quality determines the success or failure of enterprises. Organizations lose an average of $12.9 million yearly due to poor data quality. With IBM's report highlighting a staggering $3.1 trillion annual loss in the U.S., the stakes are high.

  • Enhanced data quality leads to more confident decision-making.
  • It bolsters productivity by reducing time spent on error corrections.
  • It's crucial for compliance and adherence to evolving data regulations.

High-quality data is also key to superior customer experiences and identifying opportunities before competitors—it provides a distinct business edge. In this blog, we’ll explore not just its importance but also practical strategies for data quality improvement for businesses.

What Is Data Quality and Why Does It Matter?

Data quality refers to the degree to which data is accurate, complete, consistent, and timely. High-quality data is integral for reliable decision-making and efficient business processes.

Fig: Data Quality Improvement Lifecycle

Take, for example, the incident in 2018 when Samsung faced a significant challenge due to a data entry error. This mistake led to the accidental issuance of $105 billion worth of shares, a situation that vividly illustrated the severe consequences of data quality lapses.

In a similar vein, back in 2017, Uber had to settle a lawsuit for $20 million with the FTC. This resulted from inflated claims about driver earnings, traced back to data inaccuracies, showcasing the financial and reputational risks of poor data quality.

These examples vividly demonstrate how data quality, or the lack thereof, can profoundly impact a company's financial health and credibility. It also emphasizes the need for effective data quality improvement strategies and tools.

What Challenges Does Data Quality Present?

Data quality presents several challenges for organizations across various industries. Common issues include data errors, duplications, and inconsistencies, which can lead to significant operational and strategic setbacks.

For example:

  • In healthcare, accurate patient records can result in correct treatments.
  • While in finance, duplicated or erroneous entries can cause substantial financial discrepancies.
  • Retail sectors need help with inventory mismanagement due to inconsistent data.

Strategies for Improving Data Quality

Effective strategies can transform raw data into a reliable foundation for decision-making and innovation.


Here are the top four strategies that work for most businesses:

1. Data Collection and Entry Enhancement

  • Optimize Collection Processes: Establish clear protocols for capturing data and ensure accuracy from the source. This involves designing user-friendly forms and interfaces that guide accurate data entry.
  • Implement Validation Checks: Introduce real-time validation tools that immediately flag discrepancies or errors during data entry, reducing the need for extensive corrections later.
  • Emphasize Data Governance: Foster a culture of data governance where responsibilities and standards for data quality are clearly defined and adhered to across the organization.
  • Leverage Advanced Tools: Utilize sophisticated data quality tools like Markov, with AI and machine learning capabilities for proactive error detection and prevention. It’ll help enhance the overall quality of data collected and entered.

Case Study: Air France-KLM's Data Quality Enhancement Post-Merger

Problem: After merging, Air France-KLM encountered significant data challenges, including duplicate records and inconsistent data formats, adversely affecting the customer experience.

Strategy: The airline addressed these post-merger integration issues using data quality practices and tools. The strategy concentrated on standardizing data formats, eliminating duplicate records, and improving data accuracy.

Benefits: This method led to a consistent and unified customer experience across all touchpoints. It streamlined customer interactions and enhanced operational efficiency, vital elements for maintaining competitiveness in the airline industry.

2. Monitoring Data Quality Metrics

  • Establish Key Metrics: Identifying and tracking specific data quality metrics like accuracy, completeness, and consistency is vital. This could involve setting benchmarks for data entry error rates in a customer database and providing clear targets for improvement.
  • Implement Ongoing Monitoring: Regular data quality audits are essential for assessing the health of your data. For example, a financial institution might conduct monthly reviews of transactional data to ensure accuracy and compliance.
  • Focus on Continuous Improvement: Utilizing the insights gained from data quality audits, organizations should continuously refine their processes. This could be in the form of updating data entry protocols based on identified error patterns.
  • Develop Informative Dashboards: Creating data quality dashboards provides a real-time view of data health, making it easier to spot trends and issues. A marketing firm, for instance, might use a dashboard to monitor the quality of lead data, ensuring their campaigns are based on reliable information.

3. Data Cleansing and Transformation Techniques

  • Data Profiling: This technique involves examining existing data to identify inconsistencies, anomalies, and patterns. For instance, a retail company might use data profiling to detect irregularities in customer data, like incorrect postal codes, which could affect shipping and marketing strategies.
  • Standardization: Implementing standard formats for data ensures consistency across the database.
  • De-duplication: This process removes duplicate entries, which is essential in large databases. A healthcare provider, for example, could use de-duplication to ensure each patient has a single, unified record, thereby improving care coordination and reducing administrative errors.

Case Study: GE Healthcare's Data Quality Improvement Initiative

Problem: GE Healthcare faced inaccuracies and incomplete data in their extensive and intricate healthcare datasets.

Strategy: The company implemented a comprehensive data quality program focusing on data profiling, cleansing, and enrichment. This initiative was specifically designed to address the issues of data inaccuracies and incompleteness prevalent in their complex data environment.

Benefits: The strategy led to a significant reduction in data errors, which was crucial for improved patient outcomes. Furthermore, the enhanced data quality resulted in increased revenue, demonstrating the tangible financial advantages.

4. Fostering a Data-Centric Culture

  • Employee Training and Awareness: Regular training sessions emphasizing the importance of data quality can significantly boost awareness and proficiency. For example, a bank may conduct workshops to educate staff on the impact of data errors in risk assessments and compliance.
  • Engagement in Data Quality Initiatives: Actively involving employees in data quality initiatives, such as through feedback loops or participation in data governance committees, fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility.
  • Creating a Data-Quality-First Corporate Culture: Encourage a culture where data quality is a shared goal and responsibility. This can be achieved by recognizing and rewarding teams committed to maintaining high data standards.

Data Quality Tools and Technologies

The market offers a diverse array of data quality tools and technologies, each designed to address specific aspects of data management. These tools range from data profiling and cleansing software to more advanced platforms that integrate artificial intelligence and machine learning for predictive data quality management.

The right tool can:

  • Automate error detection
  • Streamline data cleansing processes
  • And offer actionable insights for maintaining data integrity.

Choosing the appropriate tool is crucial as it not only saves time and resources but also ensures decisions are made based on accurate and reliable data.

Final Thoughts

As data plays a central role in decision-making and business operations, the importance of data quality cannot be overstated. The strategies and insights shared here provide a roadmap for organizations looking to harness the power of high-quality data.

Markov stands at the forefront of this journey, offering innovative solutions to transform data into actionable intelligence. By harnessing MarkovML's automated AI-driven Analyzers and Data Quality Score, businesses can dive deep into their data, gather insights, automate workflows, and foster seamless collaboration among data teams.


1. What is Data Quality?

Data quality refers to the accuracy, completeness, consistency, and timeliness of data, ensuring it's reliable for decision-making and operational processes.

2. Why is Data Quality Important?

High data quality is crucial for accurate decision-making, efficient operations, and compliance with regulations, directly impacting an organization's success and credibility.

3. How Can Data Quality Be Improved?

Improving data quality involves strategies like enhancing data collection and entry processes, implementing data cleansing and transformation techniques, regular monitoring of data quality metrics, and fostering a data-centric organizational culture.


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